After a long day of work, there’s nothing more comforting than snuggling up with your furry best friend. Research shows about 56% of people share their rooms or beds with pets. But what are the benefits and downsides of inviting your pet into your comfort zone? Today we’re covering the pros and cons of sleeping with your pet to help you decide.

Advantages of Sleeping With Pets

Besides the joy of having your pet nearby, sleeping with pets brings many benefits. Uncovering the power of pets is still relatively new, but studies show some significant advantages to sharing your bed with your fur baby.

Emotional Bonding

Most pet owners see their furry friends as members of the family. Sleeping with your pet can enhance comfort, strengthen emotional bonding, and reduce loneliness. Studies show pets may decrease stress and increase the feel-good hormone, oxytocin. Oxytocin is the same hormone responsible for the mother-to-baby bond.

Physical Comfort and Warmth

Cuddling in bed with a pet during the colder months is like having a soft, living blanket. The natural heat radiating from pets can keep you comfy throughout the night. Pets not only give off warmth, but their presence can be equally soothing. Their heartbeat and rhythmic breathing can create the ideal environment for relaxation and deep, restful sleep.

Security and Protection

Some people feel safer with their pets nearby, particularly if they have a service or emotional support animal. Let’s take post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) service dogs for example. These brilliant creatures are trained to spot the physical signs of nightmares while their human sleeps and wake them up. Sleeping with a pet in bed can help people with PTSD overcome nightmare stress and get restful sleep.

Cats and dogs are also more sensitive to sounds and other stimuli than humans. Your pet will likely alert you to unusual activity if something seems off. Having them right by your side makes it easier to wake up and avoid a dangerous situation.

Heightened Immunity and Wellness

Pets expose us to diverse bacteria and microorganisms that can potentially strengthen the immune system. Sleeping with pets may reduce the likelihood of developing allergies, particularly in children.

Studies show pet owners physically benefit from their furry friends in several ways. Petting your dog can lower stress levels, heart rate, and blood pressure, leaving you relaxed and at ease. Sleeping with your pet brings these benefits to you as you rest.

Drawbacks of Sleeping With Pets

With so many benefits to sleeping with pets, you may wonder why you would even question it. Still, there are some downsides to sleeping with pets to consider.

Allergies and Asthma

Countless Americans with pet allergies still share a home with pets. But inviting your pet into your room or sleeping with them can expose you to pet saliva, hair, and dander. If you have a pet allergy and are considering sleeping with a pet, take precautions to avoid triggering your symptoms.

Germs and Health Issues

As we mentioned before, pets significantly contribute to the makeup of bacteria in your home. While these microorganisms can strengthen your immune system, they can also be dangerous. Pets can contract viruses, parasites, and harmful bacteria that can be spread to humans, particularly those with compromised immune systems. Therefore, if you have an open wound, are prone to infection, or are immunosuppressed, sleeping with your pet may not be the best option.

Sleep Disruptions

Getting restful sleep is essential to your overall well-being. Pets can toss and turn while sleeping, just like us. Sleep disturbances can vary depending on your pet’s breed and size. The larger your pet, the more often you may wake up during the night due to them taking up space, moving around, or making noise.

Behavior Concerns

For some pets, sharing a bed with their owner can reinforce separation anxiety or territorial behavior. When you share a bed with your pet, they grow accustomed to sleeping with you every night. If you introduce someone new, like a partner or a newborn, it’s possible that your pet may not be too happy. Of course, other factors, like your pet’s temperament, can contribute to their reaction. Considering how your pet will adjust to your lifestyle and routine changes is essential.

Tips for Sleeping With Your Pet

If you decide to sleep with your pet, these tips can help ensure you and your furry friend get the restful sleep experience you deserve:

  • Clean regularly: Most pets aren’t afraid to get a little dirty. Avoid germs and odors by washing your sheets, bedding, and pillows often. Invest in mattress protectors to safeguard your bed from any accidents. Dust, sweep, and mop your room to remove dander, shed hair, and dirt.
  • Find a suitable mattress: Sharing a bed with a pet can sometimes feel like sleeping with another person. Many pets love to sprawl out as they catch their z’s. Maximize your comfort with mattresses that fit both of you.
  • Care for your pet’s hygiene: Bathe your pet as recommended based on breed and health status. If your pet spends lots of time outside, be sure to wipe down their paws and coat before bed.
  • Keep up with vet visits: Stay up to date on vet visits to protect your pet and yourself. Keeping up with vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and deworming can keep your pet healthy and reduce the likelihood of something spreading to you.
  • Adopt a solid sleep schedule: Create a sleep routine, so you and your pet wake up and feel tired at similar times. This can prevent restless nights.
  • Walk your pet before bed: Avoid accidents by letting your pet go to the bathroom and burn off any excess energy before bed.

The Decision Is Yours

Whether or not you choose to sleep with your pet comes down to your preferences and lifestyle. Many sleep comfortably by making a few adjustments, while others find an alternative solution. If you opt for sleeping without your pet, creating a cozy space for them in your bedroom is a helpful compromise.

Explore pet furniture at Ashley to create your pet’s own comfort zone. Complete their space with their favorite toys and a snuggly blanket. This way, your pet can remain close by at bedtime, and you can catch up on much-needed rest.